Portugal 2006

Summer holiday in Portgal, 2006
Last summer we decided to spend several days in Portugal. You know, in case of travelling we do not need to be pushed. And when our friend Tomas had suggested a visit, we had said to each other:WHY NOT! The plan was easy: to see as much as possible, but on the other hand enjoy it(that is the main purpose of holiday, isn't it). I sad to internet and after a few days I made a plan which you can see below. We booked car and hotels and look forward to exploring.
Our trip around Portugal
Day 1, August 20

Day 2, August 21

Day 3, August 22

Day 4, August 23

Day 5, August 24

Day 6, August 25

Day 7, August 26

Day 8, August 27

Day 9, August 28