Day 7 - Evora

In the morning we got up early and made a walk to the other side of the town. I may say that the center of Evora is surrounded by the town walls which are very well preserved. And it is posible to get to the real center of the town just through the gate. Another very interesting monument is Renaissance Aqueduct and the oldest Roman teple in the Pyrenean peninsula. After walk we decided to relax in a pastelaria which is typical Portuguese restaurant and confectionery together. For me was more important the confectionery,of course. There are served typical Portuguese cakes with puding(the only good luck was we didn't have time to go there every day, otherwise I would definitely put on weight:-). After nice and pleasant morning we packed all our belongigns and moved to the real south to Algarve! Finally time to have a rest and try water of the Atlantic Ocean. We reached Lagos in the mid afternoon and after finding a hotel(I point out the pre-booked hotel, because in the middle ot the summer season you have no chance to get a room) we ran to the ocean. Water was great! In the evening we did a picnic on the beach.
Evora Evora Evora
Evora - can you se the aqueduct? The Silver water aqueduct was designed by Eborense Francisco de Arruda The aqueduct crossing the town's fortification
Evora Evora Evora
The aqueduct again Inside the town the aqueduct disappears among the houses Evora is faomous for the Roman's places of interests - Templo Romano
Evora Evora Evora
Templo Romano was built in the 2nd century AD Templo Romano - the detail And again narrow streets just for one car
Evora Evora Evora
Roman-Gothic cathedral in the day light ... ... and at night Henriquina fountain at the Praqa de Giraldo