Day 8 - Algarve

The next morning we again woke up very soon and hurried up to the sea to take pictures of pitoresque coastline full of eroded rocks, caves and tiny beaches. Than we enjoyed relax and even Ales liked it so much that he said he would have been able to imagine there a week holiday(I can imagine to spend there the whole summer:-)) In the late afternoon we moved to Setubal to spend our last night in Portugal.
Algarve Algarve Algarve
Algarve Algarve Forte da Ponta da Bandeira
Algarve Algarve Algarve
Fortification of Lagos Algarve Algarve
Algarve Algarve Algarve
Algarve Algarve Algarve
Algarve Algarve Algarve
Architecture Ponta da Piedade Algarve
Algarve Algarve
Picnic on the beach Lagos at night